Extending Partnerships

This BLOG will detail a NSW 2005 Learnscope Project. The project is about researching learning solutions and gathering ideas that will work for Indigenous people using delivery of blended/online courses. Strategies will be identified in how to create a learning environment where new knowledge, skills and ideas are constructed in a user friendly technology based system.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Researching for the Project

At this stage of the project I decided to complete some more research. One of the strategies I used was to establish an Edna group. Elearing for Indigenous Learners

This Edna group was to serve two purposes:
1. To establish a portal where I could store and showcase resources, papers and interesting links that related to my project.
2. To provide a place that other Learnscopers could gather and share their information.

At the present time many people have joined the group but there has been little interaction or sharing. I hope this will change in the coming months.

My research took me to the NCVER site. from this research I have become aware of a National Forum on Indigenous Learners.

Promoting and strengthening Indigenous vocational education and training

NCVER will host a forum to share the findings of key research on Indigenous VET issues, and reflect on the implications for policy, practice and further research.

The research is part of a comprehensive program that aims to contribute to the vision and objectives of Partners in a Learning Culture, Australia's national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander strategy for vocational education and training 2000 – 2005. The strategy is designed to improve vocational education and training and its outcomes for Indigenous Australians.

A range of research will be presented, including:
* the views of Indigenous students about training and its benefits
* the role of Indigenous VET staff, their influence and experiences
* the role of VET in capacity building for Indigenous governance
good practice in Indigenous VET.

Fortunately I will be able to attend and believe it will be invaluable learning experience for my project.


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