Extending Partnerships

This BLOG will detail a NSW 2005 Learnscope Project. The project is about researching learning solutions and gathering ideas that will work for Indigenous people using delivery of blended/online courses. Strategies will be identified in how to create a learning environment where new knowledge, skills and ideas are constructed in a user friendly technology based system.

Monday, April 18, 2005

What is this project all about?

This is a journal about a Learnscope project 2005 and the activities that happened along the way.

The project will further develop an established training link with the Tharawal Lands Council by investigating the use of e-Learning approaches. Tharawal lands Council

The project will investigate “best practice” and identify strategies that could be used by practitioners to help overcome the barriers for access to online learning and support (Blended methodologies). This will involve identifying appropriate resources and investigate learning processes identified previously through similar educational projects, online/ blended courses and providing innovative and high quality training materials.
Flexible Learning

This project will help teachers identify appropriate strategies, resources and further increase training opportunities through an already established partnership.
What Works