Extending Partnerships

This BLOG will detail a NSW 2005 Learnscope Project. The project is about researching learning solutions and gathering ideas that will work for Indigenous people using delivery of blended/online courses. Strategies will be identified in how to create a learning environment where new knowledge, skills and ideas are constructed in a user friendly technology based system.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Researching for the Project

At this stage of the project I decided to complete some more research. One of the strategies I used was to establish an Edna group. Elearing for Indigenous Learners

This Edna group was to serve two purposes:
1. To establish a portal where I could store and showcase resources, papers and interesting links that related to my project.
2. To provide a place that other Learnscopers could gather and share their information.

At the present time many people have joined the group but there has been little interaction or sharing. I hope this will change in the coming months.

My research took me to the NCVER site. from this research I have become aware of a National Forum on Indigenous Learners.

Promoting and strengthening Indigenous vocational education and training

NCVER will host a forum to share the findings of key research on Indigenous VET issues, and reflect on the implications for policy, practice and further research.

The research is part of a comprehensive program that aims to contribute to the vision and objectives of Partners in a Learning Culture, Australia's national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander strategy for vocational education and training 2000 – 2005. The strategy is designed to improve vocational education and training and its outcomes for Indigenous Australians.

A range of research will be presented, including:
* the views of Indigenous students about training and its benefits
* the role of Indigenous VET staff, their influence and experiences
* the role of VET in capacity building for Indigenous governance
good practice in Indigenous VET.

Fortunately I will be able to attend and believe it will be invaluable learning experience for my project.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Sharing Ideas and Collaboration

Through this Learnscope project the Community Services Faculty of SWSI TAFE will extend this network through discussions with the Tharawal Lands Council. The Commonwealth Government provided CTP funding to provide identified Training in Children's Services and Aged Care. The faculty was funded for 4 courses and as part of this project Head Teachers from the three campuses met to discuss a coordinated strategy for delivery of the training.

The group met to discuss delivery options as both training courses were available for online delivery. Barriers were identified to incorporating the online environment. This included lack of experience and expertise of the facilitators, lack of time resources to plan implementation and attract students for the training. Disucssions were held with the Aboriginal Coordinator of SWSI and contact was made with the local Aboriginal Communities including Tharawal.

This funding has meant negoitiations have started with Tharawal and teachers to construct strategies that would encourage participation in the online environment.