Extending Partnerships

This BLOG will detail a NSW 2005 Learnscope Project. The project is about researching learning solutions and gathering ideas that will work for Indigenous people using delivery of blended/online courses. Strategies will be identified in how to create a learning environment where new knowledge, skills and ideas are constructed in a user friendly technology based system.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Some Great Resources

Thought I would include some interesting resources that I have come across:

This programme developed by Kangan Batman TAFE - that introduces how to use the keyboard and mouse. This then leads onto the Horticulture Toolbox. It is excellent.

Click here

For most of us, working with different cultures is an everyday experience.

Poor cultural awareness can have severe consequences on a workplace or community.

What starts as an embarrassing moment or religious opinion could lead to a loss of sale, tensions in the work place or even a court case for race discrimination.

By being more aware and sensitive, conflicts are less likely to arise, and if they do arise, we have the confidence to deal with them in the appropriate way.

An understanding of how and why cultures play a major part in peoples lives will enable a team to work better together.

Interactive Ochre embraces the Pitjantjatjara or Anangu way of Ngapartji-Ngapartji (nupartgee –nupartgee) which means “you give me something and I’ll give you something” – “giving and sharing for everyone's benefit" - working both ways.

Intercultural relationships are partnerships where we learn from each other.

In this way, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous users can use it and learn from Interactive Ochre – together.
People need to work more effectively in a cross cultural environment – particularly with Aboriginal people.

Interactive Ochre gives an opportunity to look at Indigenous ways of doing things.

Learning while being entertained is appealing.

This is a useful approach when exposing people to sensitive or cultural issues.
the toolbox is soon to be released.

Click Here

Projects: New Practices in Flexible Learning 2004: Indigenous learners in the digital age: recognising skills and knowledge. An interesting project and waiting for the final report.

Click Here

Great Info called Getting Down to Business Click Here

There is so much information to review but all really interesting and useful for assisting the facilitators of our course. It has been great support for developing cultural awareness and assiting in customising the needs of the learners.